Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A rather belated blog for Friday.

We went to London, to do caching and to see Guys and Dolls.

I have been to London hundreds of times (I used to work there) but I still find bits I haven't seen before. This time it was St Katherine's Dock. We hadn't taken the camera but I wished we had, as this area is rather pretty and doesn't look like central London at all. Never mind, the link I just gave you has plenty of piccies. We also spent a lot of time looking at a very interesting exhibition outside the city hall.

I really enjoyed Guys and Dolls - even Adam enjoyed it and musicals aren't his thing. I was especially keen to see this musical as I was in a production of it about 10 years ago - and I still remembered all the songs! However, we didn't get home until half past midnight, and for some reason I was tired all day yesterday too, hence the belated blog. Sorry.


  • St Katherine's Dock is lovely. Can't say I could do a musical though. M would leap at the chance.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:19 pm  

  • We did a geography field trip (from deepest Devon - it was a long day!) to study the regeneration of St Katherine's Dock way back in 1974. It looked like it was going to be fab. I haven't seen it since.

    By Blogger Jeangenie, at 6:52 pm  

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