Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Monday, April 19, 2004


I went to the local blood doning session today and gave my armful - the only time I can eat crisps and biscuits and not feel guilty. The woman who stuck the needle in my arm had a bat sticker stuck to her name badge which amused me a little. Giving blood is pretty much a non event for me nowadays but the last few times I have gone they have changed little details, just to make the experience a little more interesting, I suppose.

Like not giving you a rollery thing to roll in your hand to keep the blood flowing - they've stopped using them for cross-infection reasons. But I liked having something to roll in my hand, somehow it was easier than opening and closing your hand which is what you have to do now.

Like not taping a ball of cotton wool over your plaster to put pressure on the wound any more - now you have to press some gauze to your arm for 'a couple of minutes'. Its not something I find easy to do lying down - my bust is, erm, ample and gets in the way so I end up spending the 'couple of minutes' (seems like about 10) shifting my arms about trying to get more comfortable whilst my fingers are going numb from pressing on my arm.

Anyway, it had an up side - I spotted the next number I was looking for in the number plate spotting thingy through the window whilst I was lying down with the needle in my arm. I'm now looking for number 8.


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