Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Reuse, recycle, regurgitate

The holiday to-do list was being tackled well at the start of the week. The major task of the week was to clear out the garage. We have a decent sized garage which enables us to store a fair amount of junk in it, yet still leaving enough room for the car. Yes, I know it's unusual nowadays, but we do actually put the car in the garage sometimes. Mostly I do that on cold days to save having to scrape ice off the car in the morning. Anyway, the junk had grown to the point where there was no room for the car, so it needed a clear out. It turns out that I had one or two plastic plant pots lurking in various parts of the garage and garden:

I was reluctant to consign them all to landfill, so I offered them on a freecycling group and they were snapped up a day later. Yay!

A hell of a lot of stuff went in the car to go to the tip. It's been a few years since I last went there and things have changed. There used to be a few places to stick the usual recyclable stuff in, like glass, cardboard and garden waste, but now they seem to have separate areas for just about everything, including metal, wood, rubble and wellies. The upshot of this was everything I took found a home in one of the recycling areas - even the dead microwave and an old plywood/chipboard cupboard (at this point I'll gloss over the 4 bags of non-recyclable stuff that went in the wheely bin).

And what did all these good karma-enhancing deeds earn me? Well, I got two huge bruises on my leg from manhandling that darn cupboard (it was big) and a day later I came down with some lurgy that had me laid up in bed with a headache and being sick, for the best part of a day and a half, ensuring my progress on the to-do list ground to a halt. Bah.

Then yesterday the lady who came to get my plant pots gave me a hyssop plant as a thankyou. So it wasn't all bad.


  • I suspect most council recycling sites have changed because they are obliged by law to recycle lots of stuff (and about time too).
    Fancy coming to sort out the rubbish in my cellar?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:58 pm  

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