Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Mmm.. doughnuts

I haven't blogged much about my studies recently. Things are going OK - I completed two of my essays in good time and I managed to get them both just over the minimum number of words. I just have two more short essays to do, plus revise for my exam in August. I'm back at placement again and seeing some new stuff - barium enemas last week (aka 'bum shandies') and CT this week.

I was prompted to blog today because of the last chap we wheeled into the metal doughnut today. His scan showed a huge dark area on his brain - likely a large bleed. He had been having some severe headaches and was clearly worried. As I got him off the table he was clearly angling for some information about what the scan had shown. It was so difficult trying to be professional, yet friendly, whilst knowing something that he didn't yet know. I'd not had a problem with this before - so far the conditions I had come across were things like broken bones which aren't really serious in the way that brain problems can be. I really hope I didn't let my concern show on my face.

There was no way I could say anything to him about what we had seen. Even though the radiographer I was with was very experienced, like most radiographers she doesn't have the clinical training to diagnose anything. That is the job of a qualified doctor. That might sound a bit jobsworth-ish but its very sensible - the patient really needs to hear the diagnosis from someone who can then go on to tell him about his prognosis and treatment options, and answer his questions.

One of the first things I'll do when I'm back in on Thursday will be to look him up on the computer and find out whether the radiographer was right. Pity I'll never know what happens to him.


  • Barium enemas are fun! Not.
    Sweet thoughts about your patient

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:27 am  

  • Sounds like a cool job

    By Blogger Max, at 1:04 pm  

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