Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Whinge incoming...

Carol's blog reminded me of something I wanted to moan about. That seems to happened a lot.

I had some woman come up to me in Sainsbury's trying to sell me Sainsbury's banking stuff. I don't want to get cross with these people as I know they are only doing their job, and it's a pretty thankless one at that, but why can't these people take the hint that I AM NOT INTERESTED SO GO AWAY. I think telling them that I'm not interested and looking cross is a pretty big hint. Annoying me does not equal a sale.


  • Are you saying my blog inspires you to whinge? Can't imagine why it would... ;)

    By Blogger car01, at 11:44 am  

  • Squirt them with that instant cream stuff. That'll scare them.
    Or make sure you have unwrapped your fish from the fish counter. Insist on touching them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 pm  

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