Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Thursday, March 25, 2004


Sorry for a bit of a blog gap but I've not been feeling very motivated. I've found myself with 3 days off in a row in the middle of the week this week. Normally I work 4 days a week - officially I do 3 but I always try and book an extra shift each week that is convenient for me, but this week there wasn't an extra one I could do. I always look forward to time off but I'm rather bad at motivating myself to do the things I should do like housework and other odd jobs. This means I get miserable with myself which in turn makes me less motivated and so it goes round in a vicious circle.

One thing I did manage to do was book our summer holiday in the Shetland Islands. It'll be an epic trek getting there as we are driving to Aberdeen (which will take two days from Kent) and getting the overnight ferry. We're doing it this way partly to avoid the horrendous expense of hiring a car for a fortnight, partly because we're self-catering and would like to take more stuff than is practical to take on a plane.

I'm well known for getting very travel sick on boats so I'm hoping a generous dose of travel sickness pills will sort me out until I can get my head down. I don't fancy 14 hours of nausea.


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