Out of Focus - the diary of a student radiographer.

Friday, March 26, 2004


It occured to me that, even though they are a big part of our lives, I haven't blogged much yet about our cats. I guess its because most of the crazy things they do aren't unusual to me any more.

So I thought I'd better start at the beginning with the first cat Adam & I lived with, Minstrel. I had never had a cat before but Adam had spent nearly all his life with at least one cat in the house so I thought I'd give it a go. We went to the RSPCA and looked at a few cats. Adam noticed Minstrel as he thought he looked bright and alert (Minstrel, not Adam). The nice RSPCA lady let me hold him (Minstrel) who immediately climbed up me to get a better look out of the window. We thought this was cute so we took him home.

Minstrel was a brilliant cat. He was about 1 year old and had had a tough start in life. He had been found wandering the streets of London (someone told him they were paved with gold?) and with cat 'flu. He had a few antisocial habits at first, although he was neutered he occasionally sprayed indoors (I was not happy when he chose the clean washing on the dryer). He also decided to attack my legs as I walked past but my loud scream made him think twice about doing it again. He never completely got over the cat 'flu and kept having to go back to the vet when he got the sniffles.

He quickly learnt the things we didn't like him doing and became a fun and endearing cat. He would do daft things like climb out of a tiny open window at the front of the house and run around to the back and saunter in through the patio doors. He wasn't much of a hunter but he did bring us present once - it was early morning and we were lying in bed and heard this *thud, thud, thud* coming up the stairs, then Minstrel struggles in with this hude, dead blackbird. Well, we appreciated the gesture.

He also had a tendancy to wander quite a way. We thought we lived on a quiet estate but Minstrel's wanderings came to a sad end just 6 months after we got him - we found him run over in the next road. I got an artist to do a pencil drawing of him from photos which now hangs in the hall. I also scanned the picture which can be seen here.

Sleep well, Minstrel - you were our best mate and we still miss you.


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