It's funny that
Carol should blog about tidying, because that is what I've been trying to do all week. You see, when we moved into this house, I claimed the littlest bedroom as a place to call my own and have my stuff in. Now I am going to be a student, I need this space to be a tidy and efficient work space for the purposes of studying in - trouble is, over the space of 5 years this room has got so full it's difficult to turn around in.
For the first time today I really started to think about the stuff I have, why I have it and why I've been finding it so difficult to throw it away. Emotionally, I mean. Physically, I could just sling it in the bin, which is no hassle at all.
Some of the stuff I have been given as gifts, so it is difficult to throw it away because I feel really guilty about throwing away a gift. Some of the stuff I bought myself, because I liked the look of it or I thought it would be useful. This is difficult to throw away because, if I do, I feel like I wasted the money I spent on it in the first place. Even if it only cost 50p. 10 years ago.
This is an excellent example:
It is pretty, and has dinky little drawers that would be
really useful for keeping little odds and ends in. Thing is, I have
never kept anything in it and if I did, it would only be odds and ends that I really should throw away anyway. But it's
And of course, there is all the stuff that might be useful someday. Which never will. But it
might. And there is all the stuff I've made which I can't even contemplate throwing away. And all the craft materials to make such stuff which I
will use someday. And the half-finished projects that I
will finish someday.
The most ridiculous clutter I have found is a load of files, folders and storage boxes bought with the purpose of organising and tidying things into. All never used. I think I need my head looking at.
Thing I learnt today: My laptop has a function key combination to disable the touchpad. I found this out after Tasha walked over the keyboard and I spend ages being cross with her because I thought she'd broken it.