When I was at school, back in the dim and distance past, my fellow pupils and I were keen for the days when we no longer had to wear school uniform - in order to display a little individuality in our habiliment. So, I am finding it a little odd that at uni, at least 50% of the female students, mostly the ones under 25 or thereabouts, seem to be more or less identically dressed. They even have identical hair. From the bottom up, the student uniform consists of:
Coloured or black trainers.
Mid-blue jeans, low-waisted, boot-cut. No variation in colour or style permitted.
A slim fit (babydoll) t-shirt. Variation in colour and design is allowed.
Heavy mascara and eyeliner, eyeshadow optional.
Shoulder length hair, top layers bleached, often with streaks. Can be worn up or down.
I admit to owning a pair of the regulation jeans myself (well, I bought them for £5 in a sale - it would have been sinful not to snap up this bargain) but I am reluctant to wear them very often, precisely because everyone else does. I have plenty of skirts and trousers and jeans of other colours that I wear instead. I'm also considering putting some red in my hair (not ginger - I mean
red red) but I'm not sure I'm brave enough.
Anyway, I don't understand why, when given the opportunity to wear virtually whatever they want to, half of them wear almost the same thing. Maybe I should expect them to start going "baa" soon.