I started writing this blog yesterday evening but got too tired and gave up. Amazing how much an interview can take out of you, especially if it takes nearly all day.
I left home at 10am for a 12pm start (plenty of extra time added for traffic, having lunch and the fact that I have to drive into Canterbury and out again on another road to get to the park-and-ride - 6 hours parking in Canterbury is expensive) and got home at 5.30pm.
We started off with some people from the admissions department checking who had bothered to turn up (over half of the people on their list hadn't) and checking paperwork we had brought as part of the Criminal Records Bureau check (occupational hazard in healthcare). Some first year students showed us around campus, then another chap from admissions went over some more admissions stuff which I won't bore you with. The group was partly Occupational Therapy hopefuls and Radiography hopefuls so we parted ways at this point and went off to talks by tutors on our respective subjects.
I had confirmed what someone had told me before - the course is going to be split between Canterbury and the new campus in Medway and the placement locations will depend on what campus you go to i.e. if you study at Medway you get a placement in West Kent, Canterbury East Kent. So I chose Medway as I want to get placed at Maidstone if I get the choice. That also meant I won't be starting my course until February (if I get a place, that is).
Lastly to the interview. I had been reading an excellent forum,
Student Midwives Sanctuary, to get general interview advice and was expecting a panel full of stony-faced interviewers asking questions like 'name three of your worst points'. Instead I was pleasantly surprised to find the interview was fairly informal - a chat with the same tutor who gave the talk in the x-ray lab who was very nice and friendly.
I think it went well, though I suspect most of the interviewees thought theirs did too. I shall hear from UCAS in a couple of weeks, apparently.