Free Stuff
I seem to have been playing my own version of
The Tesco Game today, except in Sainsbury's, without even trying. I ran out of credit on my pay-as-you-go mobile phone days ago and spotted they sold vouchers in Sainsbury's whilst I was doing the weekly shop. Only they don't do vouchers for Orange any more, its a swipe card thingy instead that you register and the shop puts credit on it.
Anyway, I when I checked my phone to see if the credit was on the phone straight away (it was - hurrah for technomalurgy), I found that I had £5 more credit than I had bought! I checked the receipt and, no, I hadn't been charged for the extra £5. Whoopee! I expect someone will spot the mistake and take it away again in a couple of days, though.
Also at Sainsbury's I bought
Calendar Girls for my mum for her Mother's Day prezzy. Not only was it cheaper than on Amazon, I got a free box of Quality Street with it too. Whoopee again! I've just got to resist eating them before Mother's Day comes around.
When I got home I found I had a letter from my union, Unison, offering me a credit card. Normally I just sling such junk in the bin as we always pay off our credit card bill at the end of the month, but they were offering me £40 in M&S vouchers if I signed up and it appears all I have to do is use the card once, within the first 30 days. I think I may as well get one, use it the once to get the vouchers, then cut the thing up.
So, quite a good day all in all - I make it I'm nearly £50 up!